Researchers at the University of California have demonstrated that the practice of Mindfulness Meditation shows promise in halting the decline of CD4 T cell counts in HIV+ patients. Mindfulness Meditation is a meditation technique that encompasses breathing techniques and being present in the present moment in time. Thoughts of the past or future are not welcome in this technique because the practitioner tends to experience increased stress levels when dwelling on the past experiences or future pressures or plans. The technique is specifically designed to decrease stress levels. Study results over 8 weeks showed that HIV+ patients received beneficial results whether they were actively taking anti-retroviral medications or not during the study duration. The study also concluded that patient's response increased as they increased the time they spent practicing Mindfulness Meditation. Control patients (those not practicing Mindfulness Meditation whether taking medication or not) showed decreases in their CD4 T cells over the study duration. This suggests that stress plays a significant role in progression of HIV disease.
ScienceDaily University of California, Los Angeles. "Mindfulness Meditation Slows Progression Of HIV, Study Suggests." ScienceDaily 27 July 2008. 22 February 2009