Tony Fauci of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) talked about pathogenesis as the bedrock of information from which all advances in treatment, prevention, and, ultimately, vaccine development springs. He made the point that "for every person put on treatment, six more are infected," indicating that treatment is unsustainable on a global scale. With regard to prevention he said there was "an awful lot to do," with less than 10% of individuals at risk of HIV infection currently able to access prevention programs, and said that "half of the 60 million HIV infections that we project will occur by 2015 could be averted with a comprehensive scale up of proven prevention strategies." Fauci then talked about the evolving concept of an AIDS vaccine, and said there was some optimism that a "less than perfect vaccine" can be developed that will not prevent infection but instead lower viral set-point, prevent disease progression, and lower the risk of transmission to others.
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative IAV